Strategies to Get Money from YouTube Channels

Strategies to Get Money from YouTube Channels

Youtube has a selling value of up to USD 140 million with two billion users per month, and there are 500 hours of new content every minute! It has become the largest social media platform apart from Google. Many people use YouTube channels everyday as a business tool, an entertaining platform, a friends making place. People spend time and money here. In fact, few people know how to get money from YouTube channels. Therefore, let’s see how to get money from YouTube channels below!

1.Enough subscribers

Whatever strategy you may use, you have to gain as many subscribers or views as possible, what’s the sense of doing business to no one anyway? The subscribers and views are the foundation for online business, but do we have to wait until 1 year or even more? No! An effective and safe tool YouberUp achieves free YouTube subscribers& views.

As a large platform, YouberUp is such a good place where tons of real YouTubers gather to watch YouTube videos and subscribe to channels they are interested in. By watching videos, subscribing to channels, or liking videos, every YouberUp user can easily earn coins that can be used to get massive free subscribers, views, and likes. Gaining real YouTube subscribers and high-quality views has never been easier with YouberUp.


As a YouTube user, of course you are no stranger to the ads that usually appear at the beginning of the video. The free video streaming platform is ad-driven. Part of the ad revenue will be channeled to YouTube, while the other part will go to the channel concerned. But YouTube has certain criteria that must be met before you can get advertisements for your videos.

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3.Subscription or fan funding

Many content creators use fan funding as a way to earn money. How does it work? You can offer your subscribers to sponsor videos and provide special benefits for them.For example, by saying their name on the video, holding a video chat every month, or giving a special video for them.

4.Selling merchandise

This is a common method for creators to earn extra money. You can create your own channel merchandise, for example in the form of books, t-shirts, frames, and so on. Merchandise usually contains a unique channel , inside joke, or other characteristic. This method is also effective for maintaining subscriber loyalty on your channel.

YouberUp for free YouTube views

Don’t hesitate, just get started with YouberUp for free YouTube views!