6 Tips To Make Your Move Across The Country (Almost) Stress Free

Move Across The Country

Are you planning a move across the country? Or maybe it’s something you’d consider for the future but feel a little overwhelmed at everything that’s involved. Picking up your life and moving it isn’t easy and can become an unnecessarily stressful experience if you haven’t planned well.

We’re going to take a look at 6 things that should make your move a little easier on your stress levels. You never know; it might just convince you to go for it and make that move across the country!

Let’s jump straight into it!

1. Take Inventory

This task may feel a little tedious, but doing it right at the start will make every step in the process ahead much easier. You can even take the chance to declutter and throw out things you don’t want to take.

Knowing what you have to move will help you decide how to move it.

2. Research Shipping Options

There are a number of different ways for you to move your possessions across the country. Here are a few;

  • Drive them yourself with a rental van
  • Have them collected by a moving company
  • Make several trips over a long period of time

Weigh up the pros and cons of each, from cost to convenience, and consider the risk of damage to your belongings.

3. Take the Stress Out of Selling Your Home

If you’re a homeowner as opposed to a renter, you’ll need to sell your home before moving. Do everything you can to make sure your house looks as good as possible, then find a quality real estate agent to handle the advertising and selling of your home.

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4. Decide How You Will Travel

Once you’ve decided how you’re going to move your belongings, you might need to consider how you plan on getting there. You can’t hide under your bed in the back of the van!

If you’re driving a rental, this leaves the problem of getting your car across the country. Do a little research into how to ship a car and do what works best for you.

5. Add Up Your Costs

The last thing you want is to get to moving day, and all the excitement is sucked out of it when you realize just how much it’s going to cost. Making a plan early on and summing your costs will mean you won’t get a nasty surprise further down the line.

6. Enjoy the Process!

It’s easy to let the practicalities and logistics suck the excitement of moving. Remember, you’re doing something that not many people will do, and you’ll probably never do it again. So enjoy it and make it fun!

If you have kids, you can play some games to sneakily get them involved in the tidying up process!

Use These Tips to Make Your Move Across the Country

Using these relocation tips, you’ll hopefully agree that a move across the country doesn’t have to be as stressful as you might think. Planning is key, and while that may seem boring, it’ll help you to enjoy the experience far more.

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