Everything You Need to Know About Divorce in Nevada

Divorce in Nevada

There are about three divorces per 3,000 inhabitants in Nevada. So, if you’re in Nevada and considering calling it quits on your marriage, you’re not alone.

While all divorces are similar in that they lead to the dissolution of a marriage and come with various challenges, there could be procedural differences depending on the state in which the divorce is being pursued. This is why it’s important to be familiar with the laws on divorce in Nevada before you start the process of annulling your marriage.

In this article, we’re telling you everything you need to know about getting divorced in Silver State.

Nevada Is a No-Fault State

In Nevada, you don’t need a specific reason to file for divorce. This is because it’s a no-fault state.

In other words, your partner needn’t have committed adultery (find out more), abandoned you emotionally, been cruel to you, or done something else that makes the marriage untenable.

You can get a divorce simply because you have fallen out of love or no longer get along with your soon-to-be ex-partner.

Being a no-fault state, a divorce can be granted quickly as long as the parties are able to work out various issues quickly. On the other hand, in a fault state, the process can drag on if the party being blamed for the fault disagrees with the fault grounds, which raises the need to prove the fault.

Who’s Eligible to File for Divorce in Nevada?

You don’t need to have been married in Nevada to get divorced there. As long as you’ve lived in the state for six weeks, you can file for divorce in a district court in the county of either spouse’s residence.

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The process of filing for divorce can vary slightly depending on the county, so be sure to make an inquiry at the county clerk’s office and get the correct information. There’s no waiting period once the paperwork has been filed, but if there are issues you and your partner can’t agree on, the judge will have to schedule a trial.

Property Division

Property division is a key part of any divorce. Nevada is a community property state, which means properties and debts acquired during the marriage are split equally. Assets you acquired before the marriage, or through inheritance and gifting during the marriage, are treated as separate property.

Of course, property division matters can be complex, especially if there are a lot of assets involved. It’s ideal if you and your partner can reach an agreement before filing for divorce; otherwise, the court will make decisions for you.

Alimony, Child Support, and Child Custody

Alimony can be awarded to the deserving party. If one of you is seeking alimony, the court will make a decision if you can’t agree on how to go about it. The payment could be a periodic, lump sum, or temporary, depending on the nature of your financial situation.

There’s a formula for calculating child support in Nevada, and the child’s best interests are considered in the determination of custody. Again, it’s preferable to iron out these issues and reach an agreement before you proceed with the divorce.

Getting Divorced in Nevada

There are laws and established procedures for divorce in every state. In Nevada, the situation is not any different. While divorce can be a painful time, familiarizing yourself with how divorce in Nevada works is key to a quick and less-stressful process.

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