Why‌ ‌It’s‌ ‌a‌ ‌High‌ ‌Time‌ ‌to‌ ‌Migrate‌ ‌ from‌ ‌AngularJS‌ ‌to‌ ‌Angular‌

AngularJS to Angular

Hello, fellas! What’s going on? I hope you’re getting better every day. This article is, to my mind, very significant. It is about “Why it’s a high time to migrate from AngularJS to Angular.” I am writing to draw your attention that for the last few years, the migration from AngularJS to the more modern versions of Angular has been one of the most heated topics in the industry and tech communities. As usual, most people know that the newer the better because it at most short considers the modern-day standards.

Let’s examine this in a little more detail.

Leaping to go from AngularJS to Angular

Are you considering migrating your AngularJS to a more original or latest version of Angular? The growing number of points, review, and activity of the latest Angular version improves the constant desire of updating your app to get all the advantages of a dangerous and robust framework. So the chance to migrate is now! New modifications of Angular began with several groundbreaking innovations. While its learning curve isn’t that great, its strong contrasts from the first versions could be somewhat difficult to swallow. The upgrade moved up a lot of fear and questions within the area. Is it the top time to upgrade? Is it even feasible? But, I can guarantee you that the advantages far exceed the difficulties! Keep reading to find out why.

Why do people hesitate to migrate?

I want to say that there are three main reasons why companies currently avoid migration:

Fear of the unknown

You must admit that companies that haven’t migrated before don’t know what kinds of difficulties they will run into. Usually, companies try to address old pains and new elements at the same time as improving a codebase. But these new factors can put a larger project like this at risk.

Fear of change 

Each technology within a company makes up its momentum of experienced understanding. As a rule, it is typically used and shared culturally within a company.  Developing technologies suggests that some of the best methods and received understandings have to be reconstructed. As usual, Angular has tried to mitigate this by leveraging the same core systems and theories as AngularJS.

Fear of your actual code

Many companies that have large codebases written in AngularJS haven’t had as strict policies about code control as they might like. Many businesses haven’t been following a regulated design or best methods. They understand that as part of the migration method, they may have to fix the difficulties that already exist in their code.

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In this article, I am going to demonstrate why you should be improving. Also, I will give some of the best ways to migrate to Angular.

A few reasons why you should migrate to Angular

I would appreciate your immediate attention to these reasons. I recommend you to read it very attentively.

  • Get advantages from new features

Angular CLI provides you the capability to produce everything you need on your Angular app with just a simple group on your terminal. Not only elements, but you can also build modules, sets, channels, even a new Angular project that will stop you from the slow work of performing all the basic configurations. You can also build your own system schematics in case you need to. Many studies have shown that differential loading is also a new feature, in which Angular enables you to create two different builds: one for ES5 and another one for ES6.

  • Innovative features

I used several techniques and explained to you also, there are two points that even though they’re supposed to be experimental right now, moreover, they will have a complete guide on version 9, Bazel, and Ivy. Bazel enables us to divide our project into different build units, which can be as granular as a NgModule. It is clear from the fact that if there’s a change that concerns only one module, this one should be rebuilt while keeping the rest of the app intact.

  • Perform like never before

The migration’s main advantage is its increase in performance since Angular is 5 times more durable than Angular JS. During the freedom candidate period, it was perceived that many developers reduced their final packages’ size after migrating to the newest version. As a result, and because of the decreased collection time, it’s more comfortable for the browser to download the code and do it much faster.

  • Go Mobile with Angular

In my opinion, another plus is its mobile-driven strategy. The latest versions were created to produce original mobile apps by using approaches from other mobile-oriented frameworks such as Nativescript, Ionic Framework, or React Native. Furthermore, the framework’s change in appearance will make the mobile application’s way smoother than it could have been if it had been developing everything with AngularJS.

  • Migrate smoothly

Lastly, another basic advantage is the fact that both frameworks could be in the same application. Consequently, it can help developers to upgrade it regularly. Additionally, it supports third-party libraries used in AngularJS to continue working after migrating.

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Please, don’t waste your time so, for the time being, the moment to upgrade is right now. On the whole, I think these benefits will keep your users excited with your apps and, as a result of them, everything will be working more easily and quickly. Furthermore, being up-to-date with the latest technology aims to inspire developers to grow more motivated and experienced.

When should I migrate to Angular?

As everyone knows there is no specific time to migrate. Best systems make it easier to write code in the new framework. If you don’t understand them, migrating an existing application could be a difficult task to complete.

How can you manage the Angular migration?

The most popular ways to upgrade applications are vertical and horizontal slicing, each with its pros and cons.

Vertical Slicing

Firstly, the Vertical Slicing plan consists of upgrading the application module by module. It means both frameworks coincide, but in different parts of the application. Thus, the way to achieve this is to choose one top-level component and begin upgrading its child elements to the whole module till it will become the newest version.

Horizontal Slicing

On the other hand, the Horizontal Slicing program consists of migrating from the bottom level working your way up to the top of the application. The certain features of this strategy are that it’s easy to start with and you can avoid code duplication. But, the application becomes hard to debug and understand as both frameworks coincide in the same modules.

Needless to say, both methods have the same opportunities as refactoring. So this could affect the time of delivery and break existing functionalities, if not done perfectly.


Just to summarize the main points again. In this article “Why it’s a high time to migrate from AngularJS to Angular’’ I provided enough information. I tried to highlight the most important facts, which can be useful for you. I reckon, that after reading this article, everyone could confidently say, ”Surely, it’s time to migrate from AngularJS to Angular’s”. Here are the lists of some important point which help you to understand it:

  • Leaping to go from AngularJS to Angular
  • Why do people hesitate to migrate?
  • A few reasons why you should migrate to Angular
  • When should I migrate to Angular?
  • How can you manage the Angular migration?

I really hope you enjoyed this topic and picked some useful info! Stay safe and have a nice day or evening!