Defense Lawyer Says He’ll Get Your Criminal Charges Dropped

Criminal lawyer

Here’s a scary situation you could find yourself in: you’ve been arrested for a criminal act and are facing time in prison. You may even have to pay some serious fines. If you ever find yourself in this kind of situation, you’ll need a defense lawyer.

Here is what any good criminal defense attorney should be able to accomplish for you. They should give you a realistic evaluation and advise you on the best path forward. An attorney should be able to meet with the district attorney (DA) to see if they can prevent the charges from being filed.

Additionally, they should advise you on building a defense. The attorney should also be able to negotiate a plea bargain. The ability to negotiate with the DA is important because it can gain you a reduced charge or even get your case dismissed.

An excellent defense attorney should also let you know what to expect during a criminal trial. They should be able to talk to you about how to cope with any potential embarrassment and depression that comes with a trial. For example, you might feel embarrassed and even depressed because you’ve let your family down and might be spending time away from them. 

You should be given objective insight on what to expect and receive coaching as well. The attorney should give you assessments as your case moves forward.

An attorney knows the complexities of the law, so they will be able to know which specific ones apply to you. 

The prosecutor has leeway on how you are charged and your attorney will know the details. The attorney will go through the process of gathering evidence and any witness statements. They will also get private investigators if the need arises.

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The attorney will search out any key expert witnesses to help prove your innocence. These witnesses could also be used to discredit the prosecution’s witnesses.

An attorney will be able to negotiate the sentence you receive or secure you an alternative sentence. Lastly, they will need to explain what the consequences of a guilty plea are.

So, if you find yourself on the wrong side of the law, you should check out Thomas C. Grajek, Attorney At Law, who is a criminal defense lawyer in the state of Florida. His practice covers these areas:

  • Criminal speeding in Florida
  • Violation of probation
  • Bond motions/reductions/modifications
  • Early termination of probation
  • Sex crimes
  • Sealing and expungement
  • Child Predator & traveling to meet a minor
  • Domestic violence
  • Juvenile crimes and juvenile record
  • Habitual traffic offender
  • Traffic tickets, infractions & crimes
  • 10/20/life cases
  • Fleeing/eluding an officer
  • Robbery by sudden snatching
  • Armed trespassing
  • Trespassing: construction site or agriculture
  • Open house parties
  • Trespass on school grounds
  • Trespass of a dwelling
  • Trespass of a structure or conveyance

Mr. Grajek has been licensed for 26 years and offers a free consultation. The reviews on are incredibly positive, except for one. The review is rated one star and Mr. Grajek responded to it very professionally. 

This site shows that he is a member in good standing in Florida and is currently registered in New York. He acquired both of these statuses in 1994. also states that they haven’t found any professional misconduct concerning Mr. Grajek.

Now you know what a criminal defense lawyer can do for you if you find yourself in need of one.

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Thomas Grajek is a Florida criminal defense lawyer who can help you with your legal needs.