Everything about Common Truck Accidents

Common Truck Accidents

Running a trucking business can be risky. If you are not careful, your drivers may fall victim to common accidents such as tire blowouts, jackknifes, and collisions with other vehicles or objects on the roadway. In this post, we will discuss some of the most common truck accidents and how to avoid them.

Avoiding tire blowouts: Even if you have a brand new truck, your tires can go flat. Blowouts are dangerous because they can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle and veer off the course leading to accidents with other vehicles or objects as well as collisions. To avoid this type of accident, make sure you have your tires inflated properly. Learn how to check your tire pressure.

Avoiding jackknifes: Jackknifes are another common truck accident that can be avoided by performing regular maintenance on the truck and taking care not to overload it. Some other steps you should take when avoiding this type of accident include traveling at a safe speed, avoiding sharp turns, and staying in the correct lane.

Avoiding collisions with other vehicles or objects: The most common cause of truck accidents is driver error. However, it can also be caused by faulty equipment such as brakes that are not working properly. Make sure to check your brake pads regularly, so you don’t have problems on the way.

How can a Truck Accident Attorney Help?

If you have been involved in a truck accident, you should contact a local attorney to discuss your legal options. A truck accident attorney will advise you on whether or not to file suit against the person or company at fault for causing the accident, which could include the driver of another vehicle that caused an accident with your truck or faulty equipment that caused the truck to malfunction. An attorney will advise you on whether or not you have a case. Also, they’ll tell you what your chances of being awarded damages are, depending on the accident details.

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What are Some Truck Accident Settlements?

A settlement is an agreement between the parties involved in a legal case that resolves their dispute without going to trial. A truck accident attorney will advise you on what your chances of winning and receiving damages for your injuries or property damage might be if you go to court depending. This will depend on factors such as the details of your case and who is at fault for causing the accident.

Common damages awarded in truck accident cases include compensation for medical bills and lost wages, payment or reimbursement for property damage, and pain and suffering. If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence, a settlement might help you recover the financial losses that led to your injuries, such as missing work because of them. 

Key Takeaway

If you have been involved in a truck accident, it may be advisable to contact an attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer will examine the facts of your case and determine who is liable for causing the accident, which could include another driver or faulty equipment such as defective brakes. They can also inform you on what your chances of winning and receiving damages for your injuries and property damage might be if you go to court.