4 RV Tips and Tricks for Beginners


The housing market has turned into a free-for-all, with people paying thousands above the asking price for homes. Meanwhile, rent prices have exploded, causing many people to wonder how they’re ever supposed to save up enough money to buy a home.

In response, people have begun to think outside of the box when it comes to affordable housing. They’ve started looking at pre-fab homes and RVs.

If you’re ready to make the leap into the RV lifestyle, here are some RV tips and tricks you need to know!

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1. Don’t Overspend on Your RV

Many people look at RVs and pick the fanciest one because they want it to be similar to their regular home. Dealers feed into this by offering low-money down deals and monthly payments lower than what you’d pay for rent.

The problem is that you have to factor in secondary costs. First, you have to figure out where you’re going to park your RV. If you work remotely, you probably dream of taking your RV on the road and being a digital nomad, which is a great and fulfilling way to live. However it’s important to remember that you’ll have to pay a fee to park your RV. This fee normally ranges between $25-50 a night, although sometimes it could be $75 depending on the location and season.

If you aren’t going to live a nomadic lifestyle, you may need to find a place to store your RV. You’ll also need to make repairs on your RV and pay for gas (either from towing your RV or driving it).

If you have $50,000 to spend, it’s better to find a used RV from a website and then using the extra money to pay for these expenses. You’ll also have more money to explore the areas you travel to, and you can put some money back for an emergency fund.

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2. Prepare to Downsize

When we say that you’ll have to downsize, we don’t mean the usual things. Of course, you’ll have to leave the couch and recliner in a storage shed (or donate it), but there are other things you’ll need to prioritize as well. If you have a lot of knick-knacks lying around your house, you’ll need to find a place to store them.

One of the biggest mistakes new RVers make is that they crowd their RV with small things, feel more cramped than necessary, and then give up on their idea within six months.

Having fewer things in your RV will help you in two major ways. First, you’ll have more space. Clutter causes stress and anxiety. You’ll also learn that you don’t need most of the things you hold on to. You’ll learn to prioritize and build your life around what matters.

3. Stop and Smell the Roses

Every new RVer wants to hit the road and see everything. One week, you’re at Glacier National Park. Three days later, you’re on your way to Yellowstone, and then you’re in Yosemite a week later!

You’ll feel great for the first two weeks, but one day you’ll start to pack up and head to your next adventure when you realize how tired you are.

The best part about being in an RV full time is that you make your schedule. If you get to an area and love it, you can stay for a month. You can stay for a year! You can do what you want when you want (within reason).

You can also take your time when traveling. People from the east coast get so excited to see the Grand Canyon that they rush through some amazing areas. With an RV, you can stop in Kansas to see some of the most beautiful night skies imaginable. You can drive through the Rockies and enjoy a few days breathing in the mountain air before hitting up the beautiful Utah National Parks on your way down to the Canyon.

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You don’t have to get there now. It will be there in a week or two after you’ve explored and chosen your next place to set up camp for a while.

4. Planning an RV Trip Isn’t the Same As a Car Trip

When you’re learning how to plan an RV trip, you’ll quickly realize that it isn’t the same as planning a car trip.

First, you aren’t going to arrive when Google Maps says you should. You’ll drive slower than you would in a car, especially if going through a hilly or mountainous area.

You’ll also need to pay more attention to weather reports. Snow can cause your RV to skid on the road, and a large RV skidding is usually a recipe for disaster. You’ll also need to watch for wind advisories, as RVs have a larger surface area for the wind to come into contact with. Powerful winds could cause your RV to swerve off the road.

This often scares new RVers, but remember the last item in our list of RV tips: you don’t have to get somewhere right now. Take your time, park for a day or two, eat at some local restaurants, and enjoy your freedom.

These RV Tips and Tricks Will Get You on the Road Faster

The best part of buying an RV and hitting the road is the freedom you’ll experience. You’ll see the world from a new perspective, and since you can stay anywhere, you’ll feel a sense of freedom that most can only imagine.

By following the above RV tips and tricks, you’ll enjoy your RV adventures and won’t ever feel the need to go back to paying rent. The entire world becomes your backyard!

For more advice, whether it’s RV tips for beginners or how to find the perfect place to live, bookmark our page and check back often. We cover everything you need to live your best life!