The risks associated with blood clots may not be hidden from you. You might be wondering if a blood clot is the cause of any strange discomfort you’re experiencing. Clots in the circulatory system are a natural occurrence. They are required to prevent more bleeding. Clotting has an essential protective function. The blood would bleed forever if it didn’t clot after a cut. But at times, blood clots in the lungs can form when they don’t have to. If they develop in your deep blood vessels, they may put your vital organs at risk. Clots in the bloodstream are more common than most people think. Read this article to learn more about the signs of a blood clot in lungs, why It’s dangerous, and steps to stop clotting.
Why is a blood clot in the lungs dangerous?
When blood clots break loose and move to other parts of the body, they may cause a wide variety of serious health problems. When clots are in the bloodstream, they change from a fluid state to a gel-like consistency and become immovable. If you want to stop the flow of blood, clotting is crucial. The ability of the blood to clot is an essential defense mechanism that the body has. Without the ability for blood to clot, injuries would bleed continuously, and even minor blood vessel ruptures might lead to life-threatening complications. Recognizing the signs of a blood clot in lungs is crucial since they are frequently subtle or easily missed.

Clots that occur near the internal organs tend to be uncomfortable and fatal. They hinder the continuous flow of blood and prevent the organs from working smoothly. If a blood clot ruptures and enters the lungs, the situation might become considerably more dire. You need to be aware of the changes in your body so that you can quickly notice the signs of blood clot in lungs. The clot develops into an embolism of the lung, blocking the flow of oxygen and blood from reaching the lungs. Doing so poses serious health risks, particularly to the lungs as well as other internal organs.
What are the signs of blood clot in lungs?
The size of the clot matters a lot when it comes to showing off the signs. If an individual is healthy, they might not even notice the signs. It is because a small clot may get dissolved when the body’s defense mechanisms are strong. Also, the symptoms of blood clots in the lungs are often subtle. Having a blood clot in the lungs is unpredictable because You may not know it is there; hence, it is always better to keep yourself aware of the signs of a blood clot in lungs.
Common signs of a blood clot in lungs are
- Breathing problem: When you feel like you must struggle to take a breath, It is one of the signs of a blood clot in lungs that emerges unexpectedly. You need to reach out to a medical professional when you face difficulty breathing, even at rest. Most of the time, the sign of a breathing problem occurs while you are straining yourself in an activity.
- Pain in the chest: You may feel you’re experiencing cardiac arrest. The pain will start building up when you try to inhale a lot of air. It can be a stinging pain. You could find that you are unable to inhale a full breath because of the discomfort. The pain in the chest may become severe with coughing. It will be difficult for you to bend your body or lean back due to persistent chest pain.
- Losing consciousness: due to the blood clot, it will be difficult for oxygen to enter the lungs. When the lungs are not working properly, the brain will get less oxygen to function as well. As a result, you will feel dizzy and lose consciousness. It is one of the most common signs of blood clot in lungs. The cloth acts as a hindrance for the blood to reach your heart, which results in low blood pressure.

Once you have a better understanding of the signs of clotting in the lungs, you can reach out to your medical professional for a thorough examination. They will prescribe blood-thinning medicines for manageable clots. If your condition is severe, you might have to undergo a surgical procedure.
Other signs of a blood clot in lungs are
- The blood clot traps the mucus in the airway, and hence, coughing out blood is one of the signs of blood clot in lungs.
- The rhythm of the heart will be disturbed, causing an inconsistency in the heart rate.
- As the internal organs of the body get overwhelmed due to the presence of a clot in the bloodstream, it can result in extreme sweating.
- The body will begin to fight back. As a result, the temperature of the body will rise, causing high fever. In many cases, people don’t even interpret fever as one of the signs of a blood clot in lungs.
- The nerve channels will get blocked due to the clot. Hence, many people experience persistent pain in their arms and legs. The pain may also cause swelling and redness.
- Since the blood is not able to flow properly, certain parts of your body may not receive an adequate amount of oxygen and blood. It results in discoloration of the skin.
How can you prevent blood clots in the lungs?
It is advisable to follow the preventative steps mentioned before you encounter signs of blood clot in lungs. All these measures are effective enough to reduce the risk of blood clots entering your lungs.

- During the longer vehicle drives, ensure to get out and move your limbs at regular intervals.
- Keep yourself active to prevent the signs of blood clot in lungs.
- After an operation, you should begin walking as quickly as it is safe to do so. Professionals in the medical field highly recommend it.
- During your time spent in bed, you are required to wear the specified compression leggings.
- Speak with your primary care physician to determine whether or not you’ll require pneumatic compressive devices. They stimulate the circulatory system and promote blood circulation in your limbs by inflating and deflating themselves regularly.
- Raise your legs so that they are about 10 to 15 centimeters (four to six inches) higher than your heart.
- Carry all the prescription drugs with you when you are traveling. Be sure to take the prescription as directed.
Final words
Take immediate measures when you notice signs of blood clot in your lungs. The clotting causes severe damage to the lungs and the tissues around them. At times, the damage to the lungs is irreversible. If you follow a sedentary lifestyle and do not indulge in some activities, your body is at greater risk of experiencing blood clots in the lungs. Despite an in-depth examination, doctors sometimes cannot determine the precise reason why blood clots form. A blood clot has the potential to be quite harmful. If you are suffering symptoms, you must get medical attention as soon as possible.